Q1. Define Microsoft Word.
Ans. Microsoft Word or Word is a program where you can type and write essays, letters and other documents.
Q2. Define the following terms:
1. Cut : It is the option that removes the selected text.
2. Copy: It is the option that creates a duplicate of the selected text.
3. Paste: It is the option that places the Cut/Copy text at the required location.
4. Replace: It changes the selected text with a new text.
5. Find: It is the option that searches word document for specified words.
6. Redo: It is the option that repeats the last action performed.
7. Undo: It is the option that reverses the last action performed.
8. Change case: It is the option that changes the case of the written text.
9. Font Name: It refers to the design/style of characters.
10. Font Size: It refers to the size of characters.
11. Font Style: It is the way in which character is emphasized upon.
12. Formatting Text: It is the process of applying font style, colors, etc. to the text.
13. Italic Text: It is slanted and is mostly used for emphasis.
14. Superscript: It reduces the size of the text and raises it to the top of the existing line.
15. Subscript: It reduces the size of the text and lowers it to the bottom of the existing line.
Q3. Write down the shortcut keys with description.